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darer (plural darers)

1. one who dares

It comes from to Dare :


verb (used without object), dared or (Archaic) durst [durst]; dared;daring;present singular

3rd person dares or dare.

1  to have the necessary courage or boldness for something; be bold enough: You wouldn't dare!

verb (used with object), dared or (Archaic) durst [durst]; dared;daring;present singular

3rd person dares or dare.


2  to have the boldness to try; venture; hazard.

3  to meet defiantly; face courageously.

4  to challenge or provoke (a person) into a demonstration of courage; defy:

     to dare a man to fight.

auxiliary verb

5  to have the necessary courage or boldness to (used chiefly in questions and negatives):

     How dare you speak to me like that? He dare not mention the subject again.


6  an act of daring or defiance; challenge.

So "Come Dare With US"


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